Cooperation with Swisscontact
Policy and Stakeholders Engagement
PSE provides technical support and inputs to government stakeholders on policies and approaches for vocational skills development. To meet its mandates, the Program provides technical assistance to the NSSA and selected sector committees on occupational competency standards development and skills testing and certification, supports the accreditation of assessment centres by the NSSA in priority occupations and supports the development and institutionalization of a Test Item Database at the NSSA for preparing test papers and other relevant activities of the NSSA.
Test Item Database (TIDB)
The Test Item Database is an online electronic tool designed to establish, maintain and update the assessment instrument bank, used for written and practical tests and to prepare theoretical and practical tests using test items. At present test items for more than 30 priority occupations are stored in the database with more than 3000 test items in both the Myanmar and English language. In May 2020, over 20 occupations are utilizing the database for ongoing skills testing.
Support to the Occupational Competency Standards Development for Higher Level Skills
In collaboration with the concerned sector committees and the NSSA, the Program facilitates the development, review and finalization of skills standards for the occupation of motorized farm mechanic and for the whole labour division of food production with several occupations.
Support the implementation of skills tests projects
The VSDP has been continuing the support to the NSSA led “3000 skills test projects” for the Financial Year (FY) 2018/2019, mainly for hospitality related and other occupations in selected locations.
Support to the Myanmar and to the 13th ASEAN Worldskills Competition 2020
The VSDP supports Myanmar’s participation in the 13th ASEAN Worldskills Competition 2020 by providing technical and financial assistance to two selected occupations including cook and restaurant service in collaboration with the MOHT, hotels, the Tourism Sector Committee and Luxdevelopment. The professional training kitchen supported by the VSDP in the Insein Government Technical Institute (GTI) has been used for the Myanmar Skills Competition and for the training of selected candidates.
Support the Assessor’s Training
The Program supports NSSA’s assessor methodology training for potential assessors from the hospitality and tourism sector. The activity links with the skills standards development for food production sector and facilities the NSSA skills testing by producing more assessors in different regions.
Local Vocational Training (LVT)
The component works in partnership with government ministries and private training providers to implement short technical and life skills courses in vocational occupations relevant to women to men in peri-urban and rural areas.
Number of beneficiaries – 5297 training graduates, 87 trainers trained
Hospitality training (HT)
The component trains women and men form disadvantaged backgrounds and hotel line staff in selected hospitality occupations by using a cascading model where supervisors from hotels receive training of trainers (ToT) to train outside learners and their own staff line.
Number of beneficiaries – 6258 training graduates, 695 trainers trained
Dual Apprenticeship Training component
The component delivers an 18-month long on and off the job training to apprentices in the occupations of cook and agricultural machinery, based on the Swiss dual training approach. Additionally, it builds capacity of workplace supervisors of partner private sector companies and of government officials from related technical training schools.
Number of beneficiaries – 39 training graduates, 68 trainers trained